Local Chapter Number 1991
- President: Tyler Gildert
- Road Director: Reagan Thatcher
- Merchandise Director: Mark Jorgensen
- Road Officer: Kelly Gorzen
- Road Officer: Laurie McNaughton
About Us
Winnipeg IMRG is about connecting Indian Motorcycle® owners and enthusiasts together. We want to promote friendship and goodwill and enhance the lives of its members and all motorcycle riders through encouraging safe riding and most importantly having fun!

Join Us
- To join, you must be a current member of the National Indian Motorcycle Riders Group® prior to joining.
- Local Chapter dues are $40 and are due by April 1st of each year, or upon joining (if new to the group). Click here to print off a Local Chapter Membership form.
- If you have questions, Call the IMRG hotline at 1 (877) 204-3697 for more information or email imrgwinnipeg@outlook.com
- You must attend a minimum of 3 meetings or events per year to be in good standing.
- All members must adhere to proper group riding etiquette.
- Feel free to attend one of our events or meetings. Winnipeg IMRG meets regularly during the riding seasons at Indian Motorcycle® of Winnipeg for our chapter meetings. Please visit our Facebook page for more meeting dates and our event schedule.

General Information
Winnipeg IMRG Chapter members must sign a release at the beginning of their first ride during each riding season. All visitors and guests must sign a release before each ride. Please arrive with plenty of gas and enough time to sign your releases before departure time.
Ride Information
Rides will be cancelled when it is raining.
Wednesday night rides leave from the Flying J parking lot at 6:30 pm.